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Win a BRAND NEW car in 3 simple steps

Step 1

Buy LaZior products. All products are eligible to join the lucky draw.

Step 2

Scrape off the product code and take photo of the product running code

Step 3

Click JOIN NOW & fill all the required information in the google form.

LaZior 8th Anniversary ​

Congratulation to our Winner - LIM WAN LING
Lazior 8 Year

Terms & Conditions

1. Only authentic product bought with product code and running code is eligible for entry.

2. One entry per product.

3. Lucky draw entries valid from: 01/01/2022 – 08/12/2022

4. Maximum one car to be won per participant

5. Prizes cannot be exchanged for cash

6. Next Lucky Draw Dates: 08 Dec 2022

7. Entries can be accumulated till 08/12/2022. Buy More and get more chance to Win.

What Our Customers Say

LaZior 【2HERS 3】可可代餐好喝又耐饱,特别方便且简单冲泡。30多种营养成分只有187卡路里并且低糖,健康又可瘦身
Lazior Testimonial Christine
强力推荐这款奶茶代餐【2HERS 4】因为爱奶茶的我终于找到低卡的奶茶了!而且一杯的价格比外面奶茶店还要便宜。
Lazior Testimonial Fenny Chow
【2HERS 3】一打开巧克力香味直接散发,浓郁的巧克力味道可是又不会很甜。超适合我这种懒人 方便 直接冲泡就可以喝了 还很耐饱又不胖
Lazior Testimonial Chloee

LaZior Ambassador & Fans

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